The Most Costly Mistakes That Can Make You Fail To Get Justice After A Canine Attacks You

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The Most Costly Mistakes That Can Make You Fail To Get Justice After A Canine Attacks You

12 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Those who own or take care of canines are responsible for ensuring that their animals do not attack innocent people. However, some do not take measures to prevent dogs from biting people. When this happens, the negligent persons should face the law when their canine attacks and injures you. Unfortunately, some of the steps you take after the attack can hurt your claim and make it challenging to get justice. This is one of the reasons why you should always seek legal guidance after a canine attack. Note that a personal law injury attorney will advise you on the measures to take and caution you against making the following costly mistakes.

Thinking That You Don't Have a Case

Some people don't know they have a right to take legal action when someone else's canine attacks them. Therefore, they foot accident-related expenses from their pocket after suffering injuries caused by a dog. In addition, some victims assume they don't have a case if they are unsure who the wrongdoer is. Note that such assumptions can make the canine owner get away with the crime and make you fail to get compensation. Hence, you need to speak to a personal injury law attorney after a dog attack and determine whether you have a genuine claim, identify the wrongdoers, and take legal action against them.

Leaving the Scene Too Quickly

Some defendants in dog bite claims deny liability and refuse to compensate complainants. In most cases, they do this when victims don't have proof that the attack happened on their property or that their canine was responsible. This explains why you must ensure that you have as much evidence about the incident as possible. Of course, you can only do this if you don't leave the scene too quickly after the attack. This way, you will manage to take photographs of the canine that attacked you before the wrongdoer hides them. In addition, you will be able to get the offender's contact information and statements of people who witnessed the incident. Ultimately, this information will enable your legal advisor to create a strong case against the parties responsible for the attack.

Representing Yourself

Many people represent themselves and make mistakes that lead to lower payment or failure to get compensation. Given this, you should refrain from handling the legal process yourself. Instead, enlist the services of a lawyer to take the proper legal steps to ensure you get your rightful payment.

You should know that the mistakes above can jeopardize your chances of getting justice after a dog attack. Therefore, it is best to work with a personal injury lawyer to avoid them and increase your chances of getting the payment you deserve. 

For more information, contact a local personal injury lawyer