Tips To Help You Co-Parent After A Divorce

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Tips To Help You Co-Parent After A Divorce

11 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Divorce can be a tough time not just for you and your spouse, but for your children as well (if you have any). If your children are young, they will be going back and forth between your home and your ex's, which can be trying not just for you, but it can be stressful for your kids as well. They are essentially living in two separate households and it can be difficult to finally get comfortable at one home, then turn around and have to go back to the other house. The constant switching between the two can cause anxiety, fear and other feelings in your children. See below for tips to help you and your ex spouse co-parent after a divorce.

Synchronize Schedules

It can be difficult to do this with your ex, but it's what is best for your children. Try to keep schedules alike, such as bedtimes, homework schedules, mealtimes, nap times and other activities. Stick to the visitation schedule so your kids know what to expect and when, even keeping a calendar showing visitation days so your children know when they are going to the other parents home. Sticking to a schedule and using the same one at each home helps with give your child structure.

Never Bad Mouth

Speaking negatively about the other parent to your child is never a good idea. No matter how you feel about your ex, it should not be spoken to your child. That is still their parent, no matter your feelings, and your feelings should never be pushed onto your child. These negative comments can stress out your child. Always be positive about your ex and speak positively about them. On that same token, you should also speak to the other parent in a positive manner, especially when your children are present. Do not fight or argue in front of your child. Try your best to be cordial to one another. You are setting the example for your child, so treating each other poorly is giving them the OK to treat others that way as well.

Be Respectful When Asking About Their Time Away

Talk to your child about their time away with the other parent, but don't attempt to pump them for information. Listen to your child talk, but don't pry. Ask if they had a good time and if all you hear is "yes", then leave it at that. If your child wants to tell you more, they will. Respect their privacy.

Co-parenting can be a difficult time for both parents and children alike. It's a process that will take some getting used to, and it will take some work on both parents parts. Remember that your child (children) always comes first. For more information, contact companies like Caldwell Kennedy & Porter.